Nicha Cockburn.

Cassandra and The New Bicycle


In Cassandra | Cassandra Children’s Book Series, readers journey with Cassandra as she strives to be an active member of her community; a community helper. Follow along as she navigates life experie... More

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In Cassandra | Cassandra Children’s Book Series, readers journey with Cassandra as she strives to be an active member of her community; a community helper. Follow along as she navigates life experiences that introduce her to the virtues such as charity, friendship, empathy, problem-solving, etc.

Life happens to all of us, including children and in this series, Cassandra faces some of life’s big (and not-so-big) topics which are sometimes challenging for us to explain. The language used in the books, assists both child and adult in traversing these experiences by providing the adult with language to help their little one better understand these ‘grown-up’ topics.