An Independent Bookstore

Witty & Wise: Short Stories


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Ariti Jankie commands a distinctive style of storytelling that holds her readers captive from start to finish. Her way with words reveal in this collection, Witty and Wise, palpable pain and suffering hidden beneath silence, as if it never happened.

Her stories fill that space from which dead eyes stare and broken spirits stir. It is the smile that travels like thread holding that fabric strong. Wisdom that comes from deep. Others light and airy blowing in the wind, marking time.

The author strips her characters bare and let us get close to almost reach out and touch. Yet her pen is gentle with a depth of honesty and forgiveness in words flowing soft and smooth in its simplicity and style.

Witty and wise is a rare collection.

Ariti Jankie was born to write and her writings leave indelible marks on the mind shaping new generations while keeping the old alive.