An Independent Bookstore

The Adventures of Marvin the Mischievous Manicou – Far From Home (Book 1)


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Far From Home is the first instalment of The Adventures of Marvin the Mischievous Manicou. Previously released in 2019, this new and improved 2nd edition is much larger and features a host of colourful and eye-catching illustrations! In the Far From Home instalment, Marvin decides to play a prank on his family which goes terribly wrong when he loses them in the forest. In a bid to find them, he ventures off into the woods where he meets several other characters who help him find his way. In addition to educating young readers on local wildlife, Marvin’s story also teaches children the value of listening to their parents and thinking about the consequences of their actions before they act. Learn more about the animals in the Marvin and Friends Activity Book. ​


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