Rayann Ramdin

Solid as a Rock: A Workbook on Resilience for the Caribbean Child


Resilience for many Caribbean children means harnessing the mental strength and flexibility to bounce back from traumatic and frequent natural disasters, socio-economic hardships, family instability a... More

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Resilience for many Caribbean children means harnessing the mental strength and flexibility to bounce back from traumatic and frequent natural disasters, socio-economic hardships, family instability and other adverse childhood experiences, with limited resources and support, while hoping to achieve academic success in school. Though life does not come with a user’s manual, this book teaches young children how to create and maintain a positive mindset, while filling their life’s toolbox with self-confidence, courage and optimism, so that they can successfully troubleshoot difficult situations or recognize when and who to ask for help. This book targets the empowerment and personal growth of the Caribbean elementary school-aged child, it is a powerful and easy to use resource for professionals and parents.