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Light of God


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Each page of this book resonates the day to day struggles, thoughts and feelings which the writer has lived with for the past five years. She journeys from the heart of darkness enveloped in her unemployed state to the brilliant light of God when through faith and belief she becomes a writer. This inspirational book of quotes, free verse poetry, and diary entries touches the core of each reader. The simplistic narrative commands the attention of all readers but especially those who are struggling to find their way in life. She invites the reader to enter the home of her book where her heart and soul resides.

About the Author:
Madavi holds a B.A. Literatures in English with a minor in Linguistics from The University of the West Indies, St Augustine campus. A native of the twin island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, she attended the Gasparillo Hindu Primary School and upon completion graduated to the Gasparillo Government Secondary School and Asja Girls’ College, San Fernando.
Her journey to becoming a writer started in 2012 when upon graduating with her degree, she was faced dead on with unemployment for the major part of five years. Her failed attempts to become a journalist and more importantly a teacher plunged her straight into her next best option of becoming a writer.
The words which she pens flows straight from her heart and remains etched in the hearts, minds and souls of all of her readers. She hopes to become a successful writer, motivational speaker and lifestyle coach in the very near future.


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