Davrielle Valley

Insights: From the other side of the Couch


Many people avoid working on themselves because, let's be honest, it's a lot of work. This book is NOT a novel. It is a book created to start you on the journey of a healthier version of yourself and ... More

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Many people avoid working on themselves because, let’s be honest, it’s a lot of work. This book is NOT a novel. It is a book created to start you on the journey of a healthier version of yourself and help you create positive connections. The intention of this book is to help you reflect, start difficult conversations, and break generational patterns. It is a book made for HUMANS. This book is for you if: – You’ve thought about going to therapy or you currently go to therapy – You find yourself stuck in the same types of toxic relationships – Your family issues have rubbed off on you – You are always giving to others and feel burnt out – You feel like you’ve lost your voice


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