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Chef For Violante: Persuading Her My Way


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Book 2

CHEF FOR VIOLANTE: Persuading Her My Way


This bossy man takes my breath away. He stalks me to my secluded guesthouse and has me in bed within minutes as if I am a pushover. But I am not. I could not help myself because his passion matched mine. He looks at me as if I am a mountain to be conquered. Whatever he says, I must remember that it is all a game to him, using my body for his gains.


I found her on a beach, and she shocked me. Her gorgeous and curvy figure clad in a skin-tight body suit made my body hot and wanting. She can do nicely in bed. She was curvy to my liking. I know I am a good-looking guy and take diligent care of myself. I can try to persuade her in bed and bend her to my needs. But she is very prickly and does not like my overtures for a reason. I need to change my game.