Reginald J. Guy

Cerebral Kick: 7 Pathways to a Successful Life


“You can live a successful life if you are prepared to work on you, because everything changes when you do.” Reginald J. Guy Cerebral Kick is based on Reginald’s life journey, from being the mos... More

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“You can live a successful life if you are prepared to work on you, because everything changes when you do.” Reginald J. Guy Cerebral Kick is based on Reginald’s life journey, from being the most likely to fail of six children of an uneducated teenage mother, and the poorest excuse of a father imaginable, to being the only one of his siblings to obtain a university degree and becoming a global facilitator for multinational companies. Reginald travelled to more than thirty-five countries on five continents, including Azerbaijan, Australia, South Africa, Angola, Brazil, China, Great Britain, India, Oman, Libya, Algeria, Malta, Malaysia, Holland, USA and UAE to name a few. Cerebral Kick is intended to create a mental shift or give a figurative kick cerebrally in the mind of a reader. We get these kicks several times in our lives. It’s that little voice we hear. It happens to all of us and can happen any time or place. Sometimes we act sometimes we don’t. However, when we take action, apply discipline and become intentional, everything changes. It changes the way we see ourselves, value ourselves, communicate to others and ourselves, which transforms everything in and around us in unimaginable ways. When men first learnt to use the sun, moon and stars for navigation that was a game changer. I believe life is a journey and the universe has provided us with signs or “kicks”, and if we learn to recognize and use them, they’ll help us navigate this journey we call life. The principles contained in Cerebral Kick are emphasized by quotes from the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran, and influential figures generations apart such as Socrates, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Aristotle, Dalai Lama, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins and many more inspirational voices. Cerebral Kick is a testimony to the immutability of these principles. These 7 Pathways are lessons, all designed to get you moving from where you are to where you know you can be. Sometimes in life we get stuck and that’s what we need, a kick to get us moving again, so we can get started working on our dreams, living our passion, fulfilling our purpose and living successful lives.


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