Joel W. Frederick

Butterfly on a Purple Moon: Inspirational love poems for the soul


Love is supposed to transform us and propel us to emotional heights which we never dreamed of reaching. This brief collection of love poems and prose attempts to do just that to our hearts, encourage ... More

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Love is supposed to transform us and propel us to emotional heights which we never dreamed of reaching. This brief collection of love poems and prose attempts to do just that to our hearts, encourage us to change…Akin to the life cycle of a butterfly we are all beautiful, regardless of how short or long our lives are. It is beautiful nonetheless. Be that as it may, each stage in our lives has a purpose. We just need to accept and figure out how we deal with each challenge that we face and become open to the unfolding of life. Maybe, as you consume these poems/pieces with your soul, it may very well give you the nourishment that you need to catapult your emotions beyond the heights of the stars, even if it is for a short while. May you find the love, inspiration and hope that you desire as you go through each stage in this thing we call life.


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