An Independent Bookstore

Reading is in no way a dying phenomenon. In modern times, people are encouraged by technology to read even more. Buying and selling books have a new meaning with the dawn of e-books and e-commerce sites where customers can marvel in the process of purchasing their favourite books from the comfort of their homes and have their purchases delivered conveniently to them. Scribbles and Quills (SQ) offers you the luxury of perusing our virtual bookstore shelves to find just the right title to fit your reading needs.

We are proud supporters of local entrepreneurs and small business owners who can always find a place on our shelves.

The difference with Scribbles and Quills and other book retailers is a deep seated love for reading, literacy and supporting local, which underpins everything that we do. Scribbles and Quills is not just a bookstore, but a reading experience.

We humbly began operation in 2014 as an online bookstore, operating on social media. Over the years, due to the overwhelming supporting of customers just like you, we were able to open our first physical location at Eniath’s Prep in late 2018.

In 2019, we then had the opportunity to operate out of a magical location in Felicity which was very well received.

Then, in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020, we made the decision to relocate our current brick and mortar shop to a cosy and still magical location at 6 Gaston Street, Lange Park, Chaguanas.

We continue to be grateful for the support of our customers old and new, who allow us to make our small business dreams come through.

Article Archives

21st July 2017 – Trinidad Express

5th March 2020 – Loop News

14th October 2022 – Trinidad Guardian