SQ Reflections: Author Insights with Keeron Isaac

Hey there book lovers! We had the awesome opportunity to interview local author, Keeron Isaac about his books and author journey. We asked him to share about his published books. Here’s what he had to say:

 “Most definitely! So there’s four:

Poet Tree: My debut poetry collection which spans the themes of love, nature, Faith, family and culture. Even though its broken into sections it’s still pretty cohesive and tells the branches of who I am as a person – someone who is enamoured by nature, family and culture!

I Am The Tree: This was my call to preservation of culture. Without sounding too morbid, the fragility of life is something I truly grappled with in the pandemic (I think we all did). I wanted to create a project in writing that would stand the test of time and stand even beyond myself. It was inspired by a tribe costume the Moko Poui and to me, represents the culture moving forward. There are tales about Mama Dlo, Gang Gang Sara, Extempo, Parang Queens and so much more.

Reindeer Hour: A complete surprise but a wonderful deviation. A children’s book about a reindeer who went missing one Christmas Eve as he underwent a journey trying to find what makes him happy. Some brave children searched for him and sought to tell him just how loved he was. It was meant to teach kids it’s okay to say when you’re not feeling mentally 100 and to know that that are those around you waiting to uplift you and champion you.

My Culture and Me: A colouring book showcasing our culture – Hummingbirds, Scarlet Ibis, Cocrico, Dame Lorraine, Putting on stilts and so much more!

We can tell that these books really reflect the author’s love for nature and Trini culture, which we absolutely applaud! When asked what inspired Isaac to write, he explained:

I was deeply inspired by the overall notion that most of our local traditions and tales have remained in the realm of oral tradition. I wanted to write as many as I can; talk to the elders and preserve as much stories as I can. As a result of this, I would say it has even grown to me deeply wanting to just leave a rich legacy of literature behind.

How inspirational is that? At Scribbles and Quills Limited, we really do believe that our diverse cultural voices need to be heard loud and clear. Writing and publishing stories reflecting our rich culture is a sure way to preserve these cultural gems for decades to come. Keeping in line with a love for local, we asked Isaac to what extent his Trinidadian background influence his writing; his response was apt:

It consumes my every thought and pen mark. I want Trinidad to be felt in everything. Even if it’s so much as just ensuring the kids in a story look Trinidadian. It is important for us to see ourselves in our stories.”

We wholeheartedly agree with this! Representation matters and it is so empowering to see ourselves represented and represented well when we consume any form of literature and media. We were interested to know what the writing process looked like for Isaac’s books, and for him, it is deeply personal. Here’s what he had to say:

It differs. It started as a way to deal with losses I had. So I’d mostly write for catharsis. However, beyond that it just depends on the muse – either I make a list of topics I want to write on or I’m on the beach and them I’m stopped in my tracks because I’ve seen something I need to write about. My family are used to me running to grab my phone to jot down points of writing when I see something now haha.”

Writing is really a way of life for Isaac! We wondered if he faced any peculiar challenges while writing and how he was able to overcome them.

I would say the biggest challenge was fighting my own voice and thoughts. Initially I’d think who would ever read what I publish? Four books later, I think its suffice to.say I’ve found some people.

We think this is such an important aspect of writing for any budding and new author. We tend to get in our own way and the imposter syndrome rears its ugly head; but it really is up to us to push past the discomfort and do it scared! We love that Isaac was able to navigate his feelings to render a positive output of four books! Isaac was inspired by some other locals to pursue his writing:

“Particularly for I Am The Tree, I was inspired by: The Most Magnificent by Jenuanne Alkins, Carnival Suite by Virginia Pacifique and Folklore Legends by Gerard Besson. These are all books which do impeccable jobs at immortalizing the culture.

It is easy to be inspired by all that is around us, if we just take the time to look. The books Isaac referred to above are absolute gems in our local literary landscape. When writing, authors often have an idea of what they would like the reader to take with them. When asked what message Isaac hopes readers take away from his books, his response was as deep as the sea:

I definitely hope they take away a greater sense of appreciation of culture and also the idea of giving people their flowers while they’re alive and are able to receive them.

The fragility of life is something we can tell that influences Isaac’s writing. We were curious to know if Isaac experienced any memorable moment or experience from his writing journey. Here’s what he had to say:

Definitely. I’d say my most memorable was Reindeer Hour mostly because it was the most unexpected. I entered a writing session and was given a prompt to write on something in your room. Being a self proclaimed Christmas enthusiast I looked up on my wall and saw a reindeer. I wrote a Christmas story on the spot. The host asked me, ‘What do you plan to do with it?. I said, ‘Nothing. I just wrote it for the prompt.’ Everyone agreed that I should definitely publish it and pursue a path in children’s literature. I did . Now I’m a children’s author!” 

It is amazing how things seem to align when we least expect it. We love that this story came authentically to Isaac. We got a litter deeper into the how-to in the writing process and Isaac shared about the message in his stories:

In children’s stories I really try to show the message that those around you can definitely help you on your journey. The message of we not I.

Yep! There is no I in team, now is there? Working together and supporting each other is where it’s at. It is an important message for children to receive to know that they are supported. Isaac told us about the importance of research in the writing process and just how much it is needed:

A lot! Especially because my books of cultural significance. It’s immensely important to do appropriate research of information that is factual and holds great significance. Especially as when you publish it, it’s out there forever!

Isaac said that being a published author has been a blessing in his life:

Definitely connecting to people. This has been such a blessing. I connected with someone who lost her husband and was using my book to reconnect with her daughter. I also connected with someone who had cancer which is something that has also plagued my family. We ended up in constant communication and she always prays for my career and success she’s honestly so sweet!”

Making connections like these are absolutely priceless! We love how literature and books can help us to connect on such a deep level with other people. We were curious to know if Isaac experienced getting feedback or criticism of his work. He said:

Honestly I haven’t had any direct noticeable criticism. I just remember one time a gentleman told me he could just Google the information I had in my book. I actually just laughed I wasn’t sure he meant it in ill will but it was interesting to interpret. Externally I laughed and said ‘Of course you can’. Internally I thought ‘You’d miss my creative spin on it‘.”

Every author definitely has a unique spin on all ideas. It reminds us of the adage “There’s nothing new under the sun”; but it is all about the execution. We were excited to find out whether we can look forward to any new work from Isaac. He excitedly shared the following update:

“Yes! My second children’s Christmas book! A reindeer who veers off course on the greatest race of his life and crashes in a tropical paradise… Also a comic with all new folklore characters. I literally cannot stop writing haha.”

Honestly this makes us so happy! We are so thrilled for the upcoming comic. That sounds amazing. We asked what advice Isaac would give to aspiring writers in Trinidad; and his advice comes as no surprise:

I give the same advice I was given. ‘Just write’. I think a lot of times we over think the perfectionism and wonder if people will hear our voice… They will! We just need to validate ourselves first! You are capable and your story is waiting to be heard!

Isaac puts a lot of effort to promote his work and connect with his readers:

“I do a lot of media interviews, sponsored adds, pop up shops and school readings. I love them all but I’d say the ones I love the most are the ones where I’m given the opportunity to read for kids and see their real time response to the stories and the characters. It warms my heart and I cannot explain how fulfilling it feels.”

Telling us what his favourite aspect of being part of the Trinidadian literary community is, Isaac said:

“Definitely the social aspect. I’ve met a plethora of prodigious writers some of whom I can now call friends. I thank God for them and this beautiful community.  It came at a time in life where I really needed it.”

Isaac is keen on supporting local events or initiatives and participates to support other writers:

“Yes! I love the Author Village and even attending other authors book launch and purchasing their book when I can!”

When asked how Isaac sees the future of Trinidadian literature evolving, he shared:

“Beautifully! There are so many emerging fantastic writers who I wish would just get the time of day.”

Storytelling has been a local tradition within our community and has preserved much of our culture. Isaac agreed:

“Its everything! It translates oral traditions into written.  Especially from my angle of now immersing in children’s literature, I think it really is so important how we present culture to kids. I’ve often heard people say kids don’t appreciate culture, which cannot be further from the truth! I always say it’s how you present it to them! Like for my Fancy Sailor piece, I get them to do the dance and they enjoy it so much!”

Isaac closed by saying:

“Honestly this journey has been and continues to be such a blessing. After the pandemic affected my medical career I really struggled to find something else I was passionate about. I’ve found it. Being an author is so fulfilling. I remember I had initially just planned to release two poetry collections and call it a wrap but Reindeer Hour came out of nowhere and opened my doors. I may not release the third poetry collection just yet (even though it’s finished )  as I am enjoying exploring different genres of writing and exploring my capabilities!”

It is always so inspirational to hear from our local authors and Keeron Isaac was no different. We really enjoyed hearing about his journey and upcoming works and we look forward to seeing his author career blossom. Isaac’s books are available at our bookstore, Scribbles and Quills Limited, both via our website and in store. We hope you enjoyed this interview and look our for more coming soon!

Happy reading.

The SQ Team

Connect with Keeron Isaac: Instagram | Facebook | Email: [email protected]